TRAUMA PRAYER for Soldiers with PTSD

(This prayer is written from the perspective on one praying the prayer over a soldier, or former military man or woman who has been diagnosed with PTSD or is experiencing the symptoms thereof. It is most effective prayed over them in their presence, although it does...

Recovering Identity

For about twenty years my standard reply to almost every idea floated by me was, “Well, The problem is…” What a thing to be known for! It took my wife putting her foot down and calling me out on my negativity before I thought to change. I hear many...

New Year’s Greetings

I think we all love a new calendar year because it marks the potential beginning of something new for each of us. The chaos the Holiday gatherings are behind us, and we can mentally write off the bumps in the road of the previous twelve months. Not just the bumps but...

A City Transformed

Back in 1996, my wife and I were in the golf business in the Atlanta area after leaving the heady world of electrical design engineering. We joke now that we prayed for more people by accident in the golf business than we do now on purpose. That’s not actually...

Happy Thanksgiving

​November holds two special holidays, Veteran’s day and Thanksgiving. One we have already celebrated; one we will celebrate in just a few short weeks.  While writing today, it occurred to me that both celebrations are built around thankfulness...

With Intent

​As I contemplated turning 70 I was drawn to asking a few questions; How do I want to spend my remaining years?  How can I make the most impact with the years I have left? And where can I make the most impact with them? I am desirous of living my life...