Family Induced Trauma Drama

In preparation for the Trauma Prayer E-course I have run into a couple of questions/topics that several people have found important to them, which I will probably not be able to include in the video series. This one is typical of those relies;”How do you recover...

TRAUMA PRAYER for Soldiers with PTSD

(This prayer is written from the perspective on one praying the prayer over a soldier, or former military man or woman who has been diagnosed with PTSD or is experiencing the symptoms thereof. It is most effective prayed over them in their presence, although it does...

You have a Choice

I believe that people can and should be prodded to do what even they know they should do. As parents, we must be mindful that there is a fine line between encouraging and badgering, and unfortunately, the difference is solely in the mind of the one needing the push....


Humans were the only creature God made that He endowed with the ability to choose. Its close companion is courage. When the two operate in sync there isn’t much that one cannot accomplish. Disappointment is the enemy’s answer to it. As a result many have...

Forgiveness vs Healing

As Christians we are experiencing a full-on frontal assault against who you are and what you believe. Unfortunately, the media is more than simply complicit in this attack, in that the judgmentalism of the world in general has lumped us all in with the clowns of...