Personal Ministry
There is hope – healing and freedom can be yours
Sessions are available in a safe, private, one-on-one environment in person or via phone, Skype, or Zoom.
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Personal Ministry
With the result of sin, and the impact of significant wounds, brokenness occurs which is most readily seen in the form of un-established or loss of personal identity. The result tends to create personal dysfunction in many areas of life as we try to become something/someone more acceptable, or less rejectable and as impervious to pain as possible; effectively becoming someone who is not the real us. Because we have chosen to be someone or something other than what God designed us to be, we are out of alignment with the One who created us and therefore out of a place of grace with the Father.
We all have to understand that grace does not flow to woundedness or brokenness, it flows to design. If we are significantly broken or wounded people we become unable to fulfill the true purpose we were put on earth to fulfill primarily because we forfeited our real identity in exchange for something that seemed safer and more acceptable.
During the vast majority of personal ministry sessions we engage in the tools we use are specifically directed toward the restoration of personal identity.

Basic Inner Healing Work
This involves working through many different areas, much like a spring cleaning, or it can be single issue focused, based on your presenting issue. It uses much of the material found on our questionaire as the guide for this ministry. It generally involves several sessions as it is fairly in-depth. The number of sessions can depend on several things; how much healing the person has already experienced, what issues are still surfacing, and how much investment the person wants to devote to this process. (Jim or Pat)

Trauma Work

These are designed to be much more comprehensive sessions than is possible in single 90 minute sessions. These sessions are offered for those who may have a number of intertwined issues that might take several single sessions. Individuals selecting one of the three Intensive options (1, 2, or 3 days) will be required to fill out a Ministry Questionnaire form.
Prayer Ministry Appointment Request
After filling out the ‘Prayer Counseling Appointment Request’ form below we will email you to set up an appointment time.
By filling out this form you are acknowledging you understand that these are not counseling sessions but are sessions of prayer and instruction. You also understand that the prayer ministers are ordained ministers in the Christian faith and will abide by their beliefs according to the Word of God. Thanks, and see you soon!
Intensives that span 1 or more days require a Ministry Questionaire
Please download below and bring it with you to your initial appointment. If you need the intensive to be via skype you will need to email or parcel mail it in advance. Single sessions do note require a Ministry Questionaire.
Payment is required prior to the session. Payment plans are available in some situations.
20 years ago, I was a wounded, performance-oriented young man who felt a call to ministry but was overwhelmed by my own brokenness. Thankfully, the Lord brought Jim and Pat Banks into my life to help restore and heal my heart, preparing me for what He had in store – raising up an army of artists all over the world and equipping creatives to thrive spiritually, creatively and in business out of a place of wholeness.
Having walked with the Banks as close personal friends and ministry colleagues over the last two decades, I can truly say what they bring to the Body of Christ is truly unique and foundational for every believer. They are truly anointed to “set the captives free” and equip others to do the same.
I highly recommend their ministry and encourage individual or church who’s wanting to move in deeper realms of healing to engage their services.”
Give Healing to Others...
House of Healing Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization so all donations are tax-deductible.
Your help allows us to defray the travel expenses to teach, train and minister to all who desire to heal the physical, emotional and spiritual wounds of those in their local communities.
Please use the link below to give securely online via PayPal or your credit card of choice.
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