Whose Running the Show?

Who’s Running the Show?  Transitioning from Independence to Dependence By Jim Banks,  www.jimandpatbanks.com  www.traumaprayer.com These have to be the Last Days!  If not the last days, then certainly a short run-up to them, for God seems to be pushing all the buttons...

The Trauma of What Could Have Been Part 2

The Trauma of What Could Have Been, Part 2       By Jim Banks  www.jimandpatbanks.com  &  www.traumaprayer.com If you ever been in a situation where the business, ministry, club or cause-related group that you were totally invested in suddenly folded cruelly...

The Trauma of What Could Have Been Part 1

The Trauma of “What could Have Been.    By Jim Banks,  www.jimandpatbanks.com We have all experienced the disappointment of a promise unfulfilled or an obligation not met. It is an inevitable part of life. People can and will let us down, even the most honorable and...

Draw Closer to Me

Draw Closer to Me.        By Jim Banks       www.jimandpatbanks.com   www.trumaprayer.com Some time ago I ministered to a fellow (let’s call him Bill) who was struggling with not feeling connected and in full relationship with God. The distance Bill felt from God also...

Kingdom Lesson #17

Kingdom Lessons #17 The Remnant.       By Jim Banks         www.jimandpatbanks.com       www.traumaprayer.com I have been mulling over the term ‘remnant’ for the last few days in retrospect of our recent most ministry experiences, which was absolutely superb. God dis...

Kingdom Lesson #16

Blog – Kingdom Lesson # 16.         By Jim Banks       www.jimandpatbanks.com   www.traumaprayer.com We need a new kingdom-oriented perspective. On the most recent ministry trip to Illinois, Pat and I had opportunity to talk about a number of things and one of those...