Year to year, it is always interesting to see what patterns emerge in ministry. This year, Pat and I have been inundated with female clients who are in a major season of transition. Their circumstances vary from divorce, empty nests, hitting the big 5-0, or even the big changes that come when a husband retires and is suddenly home all the time.
We have noticed that these women have given their lives to raising children and taking care of a household. A noble desire, however, by sacrificing themselves on this level they placed their entire identity into their families. Changes in seasons will highlight what we have placed our identity in. For these women, they didn’t know who they were anymore. For them, their dreams of youth had long been thrown aside. So many years later, they felt disqualified from picking those dreams back up.
This is not uncommon. We have discovered several keys to restoring identity and purpose. Pat and I have seen them work in our own lives, and in the lives of those we minister to. Mindfulness is the starting place.  
Mindfulness is an exercise in rediscovering who you are. If you do not consciously know what brings you peace and life you cannot honor it. Conversely, if you don’t consciously know what steals joy and fulfillment from you, you are letting it rob you. 
The first step in mindfulness is intentionally setting aside some time to answer specific questions. This will kick a discovery, or rediscovery, of who you are. Mindfulness takes humility, because most of us believe we intuitively know. However, I see plenty of people who keep getting the wrong answers, because they never asked the right questions. I challenge you, what if you are not intuitively asking the RIGHT questions. 
December and January are especially conducive to asking these questions. It is our heart for you that 2020 will be a year of deep fulfillment and purpose.  You can receive Jim’s Mindfulness Questionnaire FOR FREE by simply requesting it.
We bless your Christmas time and ask the Lord to make it one of the most meaningful ones you’ve ever had.